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Fruits Bingo in Spanish is a great way to practice and review fruit names in a fun way!Print on cardstock and laminate for a durable word activity to use for years to come.Included are 10 bingo cards (2 different sizes are included: 4.8 x 74 inches and 7.5x 9.8 inches) and a set of calling cards with a picture and a fruit word. You could also use the calling cards for a matching game, just print 2 copies and play a memory game.This is one of the many products that can be found in Las Frutas/Fruits Unit In Spanish.Fruits included:la manzanael plátanola banana/el banana/el plátanola zarzamora/la moralas moras azules/los arándanos azulesel melónlas cerzezaslas uvasel kiwiel limónlos mangosla naranjala papayael duraznola perala piñala ciruelala frambuesala sandíaAs always, if there is something you would like to see added please drop me a note. If you love this unit, please take a moment to rate it and anything else you have purchased from me. Follow me to learn about all of the newest upcoming units as they are released. Thank you so much!